Once you have registered and been approved, you will be able to invite your colleagues to join your account.

Account details

Your details

Please enter your details. You will be registered as the administrator of your corporation.

Professional details

You must be recommended by a member in good standing.

Login details

The following details will be used to login to the Members' area. Please ensure you choose a secure password, preferably one not used on any other website.

Other preferences

If you are happy for your details to be listed in our Membership Directory (only accessible to Members), please indicate below.

We may occasionally send you information via email related to the Association's activities. If you would like to receive these, please indicate below. Your details will not be passed onto any third parties.


Corporation details

Please enter details of your organisation.

If you select an offline payment method we will contact you in order to approve your application.



Please enter the number of members your corporation requires. You will be counted as one of the members.

Upon clicking "Register", a member of the association will review your application. You will be notified via email.

Become a member today

Join the association today and start enjoying the privileges of being a member of The UK Association of Fire Investigators.